Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Albert Carr, Milton Friedman and Immanuel Kant - 970 Words

Ethics is related to an individuals principled judgments about right and wrong. The decision that is made by the individual will influence the business environment ethical circumstance. Therefore, every decision that is made by the employees must use their moral judgment to decide what they think is the right actions to behave. Wherein this action may possibly involve rejecting the primary focus of the company, which is to maximizing the profit. In addition, Albert Carr, Milton Friedman, and Immanuel Kant did a good job of explicating about a theory of business ethics. However, what theories are appropriate and whose behaviors become the standard ethics? Albert Carr, who wrote â€Å" Is Business Bluffing Ethical?†, believes that bluffing is a natural way of business. He argues that when people are in business, they should follow a different moral code than they would in ordinary circumstances. In his perspective lying is acceptable if it can bring benefit and profit into the business. As he indicated â€Å"most bluffing in the business might be regarded simply as game strategy†(p.136). In fact, achievements are considered as a good action even though they may violate ethical norms in the society. In that case, Carr’s theory gives people the impression that it is okay to bluff or lie if that actions can bring a high profit to the business. Moreover, Carr believes that being perfectly honest in business atmosphere would be harmful to its success.. He demonstrates his point of

Monday, December 16, 2019

Reflection Paper On Depression - 1207 Words

Reflection #3: Depression Depression is a category of mental illness that most often appears during the late teens. Often, a psychiatrist or psychologist is necessary to diagnose a person with depression. This is often done using the DSM V. According to this reference, depression is characterized by feelings of sadness and feelings of emptiness, which often leads to a myriad of physical problems. Physical symptoms of depression include unintentional weight loss or gain, sleeping too much or too little, and loss of energy (What is Depression). One’s emotional state has a large effect on the body, many of which can be observed in the physiological symptoms of depression. Without the want to function, individuals suffering from this illness†¦show more content†¦Suicide is the 9th leading cause of death for Floridians, and is the 3rd leading cause of death for Floridians ages 15-24 (Florida Vital Statistics Reports). Unfortunately, depression is the main clinical cause of suicide, with almost 30% of these individuals showing signs of depression during the months preceding their death. To improve these devastating statistics, Florida has implemented a statewide suicide prevention strategy. The program’s major goals are to decrease the incidence of suicide in Florida by raising awareness, promoting open discussion about depression and suicidal talks, and expand accessibility to substance abuse and mental health treatment (Florida Suicide Prevention Project). My hopes are that Florida will be able to improve statewide access to mental health resources, especially for teenagers and young adults who make up much of suicide rates. Furthermore, it has been found that socioeconomic status is a major social determinant of health. Those at a lower socioeconomic status are more likely to present with the symptoms of depression. This may be in part due to the added daily stress experienced by someone of a lower class in comparison to upper class individuals, as explained by the social causation hypothesis. Individuals from lower economic status often must worry about how to provide food for their family, how they are going to pay the bills, and have very little time to worry about their health, especially mental healthShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On The Depression Disorder763 Words   |  4 PagesJohn, today is your fifth session. You came for therapy because you were feeling down and depressed for about six months. You mentioned that, your son’s illness is the reason that you feel down. We did assessment for depression and found out you have MDD or Major Depression Disorder. We talked about different wa ys that exist to help you to go through your issue. We have planed to start to work on your goals,but, because you canceled your session twice, we are behind our schedule. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Reflective Journal On Business Research †

Question: Discuss about the Reflective Journal On Business Research. Answer: In a journal entry concerning business research, learning experience refers to an interaction in which Academic skills pertaining business are gained from studies, practice or observation through a course or a program in academic settings. The skills learned are aimed at providing adequate knowledge that can be used in future. For example, use the skills to set up a business. The learning includes both traditional and nontraditional settings. In traditional settings, learning takes place in places like schools and conferences where teachers share their knowledge with students through class interaction. On the other hand, nontraditional settings involve students engagements in soft wares with learning materials as well as games and other leisure activities. On my point of view, learning experience pertaining business research should be open. This means that a learner should not only heed to what is mandated to learn that also engage in other activities that give extra different knowledge to be used in future. From business research, we learn that the knowledge obtained can work together with one's specialization and result to a person with a wide view of information. In his journal, ( Bryman 2015, P, 55-67) stated that Learning experience is of much value that it helps design a purposeful journey that makes learners realize their objectives according to the activities they are engaged into." It also helps students have a real-world simulation such that they can tell the relationship between what they do with what exists in the real world situation. With learning experience from business research, I have an assurance that I can handle the assigned tasks in my program or course. This can be achievable through the fact that the approach of critical analysis to situations associated with learning gained from business research, is the same that I will apply to my program or future career and deliver the expected results. For example, studies by (Billet 2014, P, 200-222) shows that the skills learned in industrial management such as duty delegations can be used in an organization to assign employees and enhance a good control of the organization with maximum supervision. In my business research, I found that savings revive the business during low seasons and also help expand the business by creating more branches. To achieve this, (Collis 2013, P, 277-315) accords that there are disciplines to embrace such as the use of fixed saving accounts which locks money for a given span of time. In future, I can use this concept to save my incomes as well as expand my business by embracing benefits of fixed account savings. When conducting business research, I aimed to prove the existence of online marketing. The business research included some engagements that can help have a good prowess in future. To start with, the research involved an explore to digital marketing whereby referring from (Waterman 2014, P,23-31) I found that use of updated technology enhances steady marketing by smoothening the interaction between buyers and sellers. I used to hear that people advertise their products on the internet through promotions whereby a potential customer gets attracted to the products and make orders. Through the study of a book by (Dana 2014, P, 149-198) I found that a customer can request orders from an organizations website and receive them through online marketing without physical movement of the buyer or the seller. This economizes the business since through online marketing transport levies are evaded. I found this research to be real. For example, Jumia a mobile company advertises their phone on the internet then a customer makes an order, and through postal codes, the mobile gets delivered to the client at his or her destination. Through my observations, it is true that having a vast knowledge of updating with technology that improves business research can influence an existing business positively. I support this, following an example is seen earlier from Jumia Company which has become a large global enterprise through online marketing. In my research learning process, I found Business research to be very useful since it instilled in me the fact that what I learn in class exist in real life situation. For example, (Hair 2014, P, 867) proposed that the topics learned "Trends in business" I found it very useful in the research learning process. It made me gain skills usable in future such as an understanding that there exist simpler mechanisms used to gather information for different concepts. In the normal business research, I used to correct data and analyze it without a literature review of other concepts related to the question at hand. After conducting a critical research, I was able to compare similar situation and come up with a confident judgment that exists in real life situation. Business research is a Learning process that entails a deep study in many concepts. It also includes total engagement in physical activities such as experimental practices and data collection. To enhance this, (Lambert 2013, P, 668-681) accords that borrowing of information from other subjects becomes very essential. For example, accounting in business entails a lot of mathematics. This requires a review of mathematics concepts by the learner to maintain their significance in accounting. For example in my research learning process, I attended pure mathematics lessons to have an understanding of graphical computations used in business as well as understand balancing of figures. The business research I made applies to my research subject that is online marketing. It creates a good foundation and reference of steps taken further in my research as well as use it to conduct my business career. For example, research in accounting will help me to do a good analysis of purchases and supply in my business and come up with a quality control to depend while solving other issues related to my business. References Billett, S. H. 2014. International handbook of research in professional and practice-based learning. Dordrecht: Springer., 200-222. Bryman, A. 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA., 55-67. Collis, J. 2013. Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave Macmillan, 277-315. Dana, N. H. 2014. The reflective educator's guide to classroom research: Learning to teach and teaching to learn through practitioner inquiry. Corwin Press., 149-198. Hair Jr, J. 2014. Marketing research (Vol. 2). McGraw-Hill Education Australia., 867 .Lambert, S. 2013. Applications of the business model in studies of enterprise success, innovation, and classification: An analysis of empirical research from 1996 to 2010. European Management Journal, pp.668-681Oxford, Reibig, F. 2016. Teaching and researching language learning strategies: Self-regulation in context. Taylor Francis., 100-122. Waterman, A. 2014. Service-learning: Applications from the research. Routledge., 23-31.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Walden By Thoreau Essays - Civil Disobedience, Walden

Walden By Thoreau Most people think Thoreau to be in the shadow of Wordsworth. Thoreau strongly seeks to evade Emerson wherever he cannot revise him directly. Only "Walden" was exempt from censure. Thoreau was a kind of American Mahatma Ghandhi, a Tolstoyan hermit practicing native arts and crafts out in the woods. He was not really an oppositional or dialectical thinker, like Emerson, though certainly an oppositional personality, as the sacred Emerson was not. Being also something of an elitist, again and unlike Emerson, Thoreau could not always manage Emerson's building up a kind of Longinian discourse by quoting without citation. "Walden," for its incessant power, is frequently uneasy because of an unspoken presence, or a perpetual absence that might as well be a presence, and that stated in Thoreau's journal: Emerson does not consider things in respect to their essential utility, but an important partial and relative one, as works of art perhaps. His probes pass one side of their center of gravity. His exaggeration is of a part, not of the whole. This is only a weak misreading of Emerson. However, it attributes to Emerson what is actually Thoreau's revision of Emerson. Thoreau was also a kind of Gnostic, but the rebel Thoreau remained a Wordsworthian, reading nature for evidences of a continuity in the ontological self that nature simply could not provide. "Walden" is considered as both a simple and a difficult text, simple in that readers feel a sense of unity. It is difficult in that they have been persistently perplexed and occasionally exhorted in form. The primary question is to seek what Walden means. There is also the concern with Walden's style. Walden's meaning can be explained in two different ways. The first is by introducing a distinction between form and content which simultaneously focuses attention on the question of form and reduces content to little more than banning. From the first move follows the more interesting and more pervasive second meaning. The preoccupation with Walden's formal qualities turns Walden's meaning in a simple sense. The assertion is to examine the form of any literary artifact, which is to identify its essential unity, thus the concern with Walden's structural wholeness is integrated well in the book. In other words, one can say that the common moral of "Walden" is the virtue of simplicity. Thoreau substituted words like poverty, a word which set him apart from his materialistic neighbors. "By poverty," he said, "simplicity of life and fewness of incidents, I am solidified and crystallized, as a vapor or liquid by cold. It is a singular concentration of strength and energy and flavor. Chastity is perpetual acquaintance with the All. My diffuse and vaporous life becomes as frost leaves and spiculae radiant as gems on the weeds and stubble an a winter morning." Such poverty or purity was a necessity of Thoreau's economy. By simplicity, which Thoreau called poverty, his life becomes concentrated and organized. "Walden" filled Thoreau's immediate need of self-therapy. In this perspective, "Walden" is the resolution Thoreau was able to fulfill through art. He had effected his own resolution through cautious endeavor and mature serenity. However, this serenity of Thoreau, is a victory of discipline. He says it is the highest aim in life, which requires the highest and finest discipline. To become one with Nature is to become a soul reflecting the fullness of a being. His desire to perceive things truly and simply resulted in his belief that fatal coarseness is the result of mixing trivial affairs of men. In order to justify his devotion to purity he wrote "Walden." He believed that when men is able to find his natural center, a promise of the higher society man is possible. Like other works of his time, it has the unique effort of American romanticism. It has impressive individualism and the desire for experience. In the end, Thoreau stated that if a man's writings are interpreted more than one version, it is considered a ground for complaint. He wanted "Walden" to be a fact truly and absolutely stated, otherwise he would have considered it a failure if is served only to communicate an eccentric's refusal to go along with society, if taken literally. "Walden" is an experience of the cosmic travels of the self. At Walden pond, he wrote that the imagination of oneself is the best symbol of our life. He went to Walden pond because he wanted to find a place where you can walk and think with the least obstruction. He wanted a road where he could travel and to