Saturday, May 23, 2020

Almorzar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples

Unlike English, in Spanish we have a single verb that means to eat lunch or to have lunch—the verb almorzar. When conjugating  almorzar, remember that it is a stem-changing  -ar  verb. This means that when you conjugate it, sometimes there is a change in the stem of the verb (and not just in the ending). In this case, the  o  in  almorzar  changes to  ue  in some conjugations. For example,  Ella siempre almuerza pasta  (She always eats  pasta for lunch). The tables below contain the conjugations for  almorzar  in the indicative mood (present, past and future), subjunctive mood (present and past) as well as the imperative mood and other verb forms, such as the present and past participles. Almorzar Present Indicative In the present indicative tense, there is a stem change, o to ue, in all of the conjugations except  nosotros  and  vosotros.   Yo almuerzo I eat lunch Yo almuerzo a medioda. T almuerzas You eat lunch T almuerzas en el trabajo. Usted/l/ella almuerza You/he/she eats lunch Ella almuerza en la escuela. Nosotros almorzamos We eat lunch Nosotros almorzamos con nuestros amigos. Vosotros almorzis You eat lunch Vosotros almorzis temprano. Ustedes/ellos/ellas almuerzan You/they eat lunch Ellos almuerzan una ensalada. Almorzar Preterite  Indicative Remember that there are two forms of the past tense in Spanish. The preterit tense is normally used to talk about punctual events or events that have a defined ending in the past. There are no stem changes in the preterite indicative conjugations. Yo almorc I ate lunch Yo almorc a medioda. T almorzaste You ate lunch T almorzaste en el trabajo. Usted/l/ella almorz You/he/she ate lunch Ella almorz en la escuela. Nosotros almorzamos We ate lunch Nosotros almorzamos con nuestros amigos. Vosotros almorzasteis You ate lunch Vosotros almorzasteis temprano. Ustedes/ellos/ellas almorzaron You/they ate lunch Ellos almorzaron una ensalada. Almorzar Imperfect  Indicative The imperfect tense is commonly used to talk about ongoing events in the past, and can be translated to English as was eating lunch or used to eat lunch. There are no stem changes in the imperfect indicative conjugations either.   Yo almorzaba I used to eat lunch Yo almorzaba a medioda. T almorzabas You used to eat lunch T almorzabas en el trabajo. Usted/l/ella almorzaba You/he/she used to eat lunch Ella almorzaba en la escuela. Nosotros almorzbamos We used to eat lunch Nosotros almorzbamos con nuestros amigos. Vosotros almorzabais You used to eat lunch Vosotros almorzabais temprano. Ustedes/ellos/ellas almorzaban You/they used to eat lunch Ellos almorzaban una ensalada. Almorzar Future  Indicative To form the future tense, we use the infinitive of the verb,  almorzar,  drop the -ar, and add the future tense endings (à ©, à ¡s, à ¡n, emos, à ©is, à ¡n). There are no stem changes in the future tense. Yo almorzar I will eat lunch Yo almorzar a medioda. T almorzars You will eat lunch T almorzars en el trabajo. Usted/l/ella almorzarn You/he/she will eat lunch Ella almorzar en la escuela. Nosotros almorzaremos We will eat lunch Nosotros almorzaremos con nuestros amigos. Vosotros almorzaris You will eat lunch Vosotros almorzaris temprano. Ustedes/ellos/ellas almorzarn You/they will eat lunch Ellos almorzarn una ensalada. Almorzar Periphrastic Future  Indicative Yo voy a almorzar I am going to eat lunch Yo voy a almorzar a medioda. T vas a almorzar You are going to eat lunch T vas a almorzar en el trabajo. Usted/l/ella va a almorzar You/he/she is going to eat lunch Ella va a almorzar en la escuela. Nosotros vamos a almorzar We are going to eat lunch Nosotros vamos a almorzar con nuestros amigos. Vosotros vais a almorzar You are going to eat lunch Vosotros vais a almorzar temprano. Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a almorzar You/they are going to eat lunch Ellos van a almorzar una ensalada. Almorzar Conditional  Indicative The conditional is formed similarly to the future tense, since we start with the infinitive form  almorzar. However, the conditional endings are à ­a, à ­as, à ­a, à ­amos, à ­ais, and à ­an. Yo almorzara I would eat lunch Yo almorzara a medioda. T almorzaras You would eat lunch T almorzaras en el trabajo. Usted/l/ella almorzara You/he/she would eat lunch Ella almorzara en la escuela. Nosotros almorzaramos We would eat lunch Nosotros almorzaramos con nuestros amigos. Vosotros almorzarais You would eat lunch Vosotros almorzarais temprano. Ustedes/ellos/ellas almorzaran You/they would eat lunch Ellos almorzaran una ensalada. Almorzar Present Progressive/Gerund Form The progressive tenses in Spanish are formed using the verb  estar  followed by the present participle, which is also the gerund. For -ar verbs, drop the -ar and add the ending  -ando.   Present Progressive of Almorzar   està ¡ almorzando   She is eating lunch   Ella està ¡ almorzando en el restaurante.   Almorzar Past Participle The past participle in Spanish is used to form compound verb tenses. For -ar verbs, the past participle is formed by dropping the -ar and adding the ending  ando. Present Perfect of  Almorzar   ha almorzado   She has eaten lunch   Ella ha almorzado en el restaurante.  Ã‚   Almorzar Present Subjunctive Similar to the present indicative tense, the present subjunctive tense has the stem change  o to ue in all the  conjugations except nosotros and vosotros. Que yo almuerce That I eat lunch Esteban desea que yo almuerce a medioda. Que t almuerces That you eat lunch Marta desea que t almuerces en el trabajo. Que usted/l/ella almuerce That you/he/she eat lunch Carlos desea que ella almuerce en la escuela. Que nosotros almorcemos That we eat lunch Flavia desea que nosotros almorcemos con nuestros amigos. Que vosotros almorcis That you eat lunch Felipe desea que vosotros almorcis temprano. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas almuercen That you/they eat lunch Laura desea que ellos almuercen una ensalada. Almorzar Imperfect  Subjunctive The base for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive is the third person plural form of the verb in the preterite indicative (almorzaron). Since there is no stem change in the preterite form, then the imperfect subjunctive has no stem change. There are two different sets of endings for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive, which you can see in the tables below.   Option 1 Que yo almorzara That I ate lunch Esteban deseaba que yo almorzara a medioda. Que t almorzaras That you ate lunch Marta deseaba que t almorzaras en el trabajo. Que usted/l/ella almorzara That you/he/she ate lunch Carlos deseaba que ella almorzara en la escuela. Que nosotros almorzramos That we ate lunch Flavia deseaba que nosotros almorzramos con nuestros amigos. Que vosotros almorzarais That you ate lunch Felipe deseaba que vosotros almorzarais temprano. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas almorzaran That you/they ate lunch Laura deseaba que ellos almorzaran una ensalada. Option 2 Que yo almorzase That I ate lunch Esteban deseaba que yo almorzase a medioda. Que t almorzases That you ate lunch Marta deseaba que t almorzases en el trabajo. Que usted/l/ella almorzase That you/he/she ate lunch Carlos deseaba que ella almorzase en la escuela. Que nosotros almorzsemos That we ate lunch Flavia deseaba que nosotros almorzsemos con nuestros amigos. Que vosotros almorzaseis That you ate lunch Felipe deseaba que vosotros almorzaseis temprano. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas almorzasen That you/they ate lunch Laura deseaba que ellos almorzasen una ensalada. Almorzar Imperative   The imperative mood is used to give direct commands. Therefore, there are no imperative forms for yo, à ©l/ella  or ellos/ellas.  Also, note that the positive and negative commands are different for the tà º and vosotros  forms. Positive Commands T almuerza Eat lunch! Almuerza a medioda! Usted almuerce Eat lunch! Almuerce en el trabajo! Nosotros almorcemos Lets eat lunch! Almorcemos en la escuela! Vosotros almorzad Eat lunch! Almorzad temprano! Ustedes almuercen Eat lunch! Almuercen una ensalada! Negative Commands T no almuerces Dont eat lunch! No almuerces a medioda! Usted no almuerce Dont eat lunch! No almuerce en el trabajo! Nosotros no almorcemos Lets not eat lunch! No almorcemos en la escuela! Vosotros no almorcis Dont eat lunch! No almorcis temprano! Ustedes no almuercen Dont eat lunch! No almuercen una ensalada!

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